Premiered on the grounds of Point Ellice, Victoria BC in 2007
Invited to the ROMP! Festival of Independent Dance in 2008
Invited to the ROMP! Festival of Independent Dance in 2008
Renegade outdoor dance theatre in grass and mud at sunset. Painted dancers commit themselves to a state of extroverted trance and run, roll, and wrestle their way through an otherworldly reality.
“Who would have guessed that at Point Ellice House, the epitome of Victoria’s conservative colonial roots, you’d find a fresh and daring modern dance? Six mostly nude dancers painted an eerie chalky white awake in a new world and slowly discover themselves, each other and their surroundings...BLiNK is a mesmerizing and truly unique performance."
- Monday Magazine Review, September 2007
Directed by Ingrid Hansen
Co-Created and Performed by
Victor Dolhai
Graham Newmarch
Jay Mitchell
Caitlyn McNamara
Ingrid Hansen
Amy Kezia
Sound Design by Sarah Jane Pelzer
Co-Created and Performed by
Victor Dolhai
Graham Newmarch
Jay Mitchell
Caitlyn McNamara
Ingrid Hansen
Amy Kezia
Sound Design by Sarah Jane Pelzer
“BLiNK is a truly evocative performance, fusing western modern dance and Japanese butoh to create something very West Coast. If this show is any indication, Ingrid Hansen’s SNAFU Dance Theatre is one to watch out for." -Monday Magazine Review, 2008
A heartfelt thank you to Gail, Allen, and everyone at Point Ellice Heritage for their support and patience.